sheri's story
Five years ago I had a hysterectomy. It was a very difficult surgery that required two blood transfusions and extensive recovery. Recovery from the surgery was long but the adjustment to having no ovaries and having to use hormones, well that was a whole other issue. I am one of those sensitive to medications so trying to find the right mix was a battle. Tried everything from pills, patches and nothing balanced me. My doctors could not understand which lead me searching on my own to find a doctor that would prescribe compounded bioidentical cream which for a while worked. My symptoms would improve and get worse. Back to the doctor I would go and as always I would get the same response, I’m sorry it’s menopause.
Come on I am only 44, I should be able to get out of bed and stop gaining WEIGHT. Doctor after doctor and the same result, “sorry its menopause”. REALLY. This past February, I found a holistic nutritionist from CA that was doing a guided detox so I gave it a try. I went gluten-free, dairy-free and almost sugar free. Within two weeks, I actually could think again and felt like I was actually back in my own body. During this detox, I went to my dentist and learned about Dr. Gladd. I could not believe Fort Wayne had a doctor like Dr. Gladd. So, I had this undeniable urge to set up an appt because I just knew if he couldn’t find anything wrong with me other than “sorry it’s menopause”, well, maybe it was just menopause and I would have to learn to deal. But, honestly, that was not an option for me!
My appt with Dr. Gladd, was very detailed and was not overwhelming. My other doctors have never ordered tests like Dr. Gladd. I know this because I have all of my test results hoping that I could find an answer someday. Three weeks went by after all of my tests were completed, I continued to stay gluten-free, dairy-free and mostly sugar-free. The night before my follow up appointment was horrible. I assumed I would get another “sorry it’s menopause” discussion and a prescription for yet another anti-depressant (which I would not take).
To my surprise, the follow up appointment was nothing that I had expected or was even prepared for. I was diagnosed with Lupus SLE, Yeast Overgrowth and Trichinosis (if you are like me you have no idea what this is a parasite from under cooked pork). I was in shock. So much so, that I didn’t even thank Dr. Gladd for finally finding what was wrong with me and verifying my symptoms truly wasn’t in my head and it was not “JUST MENOPAUSE”. The shock lasted a few days. My new list of supplements were a bit of a change for me only because I hate pills (and I have to be responsible) but I knew I was going to fight this. I mean five years have passed and probably $15,000 visiting doctor after doctor and test after test. I had a lot invested in trying to find answers, and now I have them. So BRING IT ON, I thought.
It’s only been a little over a month since my follow up visit with Dr. Gladd. I am following my new lifestyle the best I can...yes, I have a couple of off days, but I embrace them and realign until it is more of a habit. I can proudly say that my blood pressure is back to normal and it hasn’t been “my” normal in five years. So, I know I am on the right track and I just need to keep on this road until I am back 100%. Oh, did I mention that I am back into clothes that I have not been able to wear for two years...well I AM!!!! Bye, Bye inflammation!!!
Thank you Dr. Gladd!!!! You have made such a difference in my life!!!!
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