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michele's story

I have been seeing Dr. Gladd for a little over two years. My health before seeing him was horrendous. I tried listening to doctors, stay on their diets and take all the medications to stabilize all the chronic problems I had. Well nothing ever worked or corrected. I was told I had to take meds the rest of my life and I would get worse. At my last primary care doctor appt. almost three years ago my body was so messed up I screamed at the doctor to stop the meds and figure out what was causing my severe illness and 24/7 pain throughout my body. She said she did not want to treat me and I needed to be on antidepressants. I walked out of her office and never looked back.

The staff at the Health Food Shoppe mentioned Dr. Gladd when I went to pick up vitamins from them. I did not care to take meds anymore, but needed to take thyroid medication for I had my thyroid removed in 1983. I contacted Dr. Gladd's office and had the patient forms sent to me. It took 4 months to get into see him and I was nervous, since the horrid office call I had with the last doctor. Doctor Gladd was so patient, informative, spending 1 1/2 hours with me on my history. He knew right away what was wrong---I had malabsorption syndrome with lots of food intolerances (gluten, dairy, corn, meat, potatoes,oatmeal).

Once I got off these foods and all processed foods my body stopped hurting and I kept the 100 lbs. off that I lost (took 20 years to get off). I went on compounded thyroid med ( totally turned my health around for the better) and still stayed on others meds till the inflammation in my body went to below normal. I now am off all meds except for the thyroid. I take the vitamins and supplements Dr. Gladd recommended and stay off of the food proteins causing all the problems. Yes it is hard to eat out for I am vegetarian, gluten/corn/dairy/potato/oatmeal free, but it can be done. Whole foods is the way to go and I enjoy finding new ways to eat veggies, fruit, seeds, nuts, brown rice. You may not see big changes on the outside, but the inside is 90% better, when my system was tanked out and so below normal.

Thank you so much for caring to help people find the true cause of our health problems--the contamination of foods and what happens when we eat foods. They sure do not teach this to future doctors in medical schools.


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