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the most successful patients

Our clients come to see us for a large variety of health concerns. The most common reasons are: Fatigue, digestive issues, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, and anxiety/panic or depression. They have been in and out of the health care system over the years, been through lots of testing and are largely told that everything is normal and sometimes that things must be, "in your head."

While the testing, specific supplementation recommendations and other therapies are crucial for getting one's health back on track, there is a common theme in the patients that have the most success in reaching their health goals. Those that truly invest their time and energy in whole foods nutrition and find a go-to stress management therapy get to the root issue faster, with more intensity and create a more stable foundation for health than everyone else.

For this reason, we want to make a greater commitment to providing support and education around these crucial pieces. This means making avaible services that are convenient and less expensive than one-on-one counseling. We are now offering group visits to meet with Meghann for nutrition support. Chances are lots of folks are struggling with the same issues and concerns you are. Meeting in an hour group visit to discuss nutrition can take your health to the next level. We are also starting group stress management sessions with our nurse practitioner using Heartmath.

Call or email ( to sign up.


Rewire! Refire! Reboot! IPFW Lifelong Learning Program


RETHINKing Healthcare: My talk at TEDxFortWayne


hello health login issues

For those of you having trouble getting into Hello Health, it seems about 50% of the time the issue is an out of date Adobe Flash Player. 

1. Go to and click on "Get the latest version" and go through the updating process. 

2. Close out of your internet browser.

3. Relaunch browser, go to and login.

Hello Health recently updated to a new version, so often the above resolution will work. Alternatively, you may not have activated your profile yet and this may keep you from logging in to get your messages. You should have received an email early on in your relationship with us. If not, please let us know and we can resend you an activation key. Please just email with the subject being "Need Activation" and in the body of the email simply put your Name and email address and we will take care of this.