The GladdMD Way
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The premise of care at GladdMD is best explained in the analogy of the body as a house. No house can be relied upon for years without a solid foundation. That foundation is provided by optimal, whole foods nutrition, daily stress management including spirituality and a balanced digestive system. These form the goal of care for any and individual we care for and are concepts that every interaction should spend time focusing on. Certainly there are times when the roof may need to be replaced or other aspects of the house are not functioning as well as one would hope. In these instances, often manifested as symptoms affecting quality of life, we must help by providing some support beams in the way of hormones/supplements/meds (infrequently) that can help to stabilize the house (improve symptoms) while the patient works on the foundation issues that were likely a driving force for the issue(s) in the first place.
We always spend the beginning of the first visit with the patient sharing their story, which is ultimately a focus on some of the root issues that got them here. Often the answer lies in a difficult upbringing, disasterous relationship or series of relationships, born via C-section and/or bottlefed, starting contraceptives, a series of antibiotics or chronic antibiotics or major stressful life event. This will help form the framework for providing the patient with tools for their toolbags to help them promote health and heal the foundation.
The other premise of care at GladdMD is to help understand a patient's desire and beliefs and to try and work within that framework. Alternative ideas are always open for discussion. Some clients do not want certain labs, do not want hormones or believe very strongly in a particular supplement they are taking. We know without a shadow of a doubt that we do not know everything and will never pretend to. We are very focused on providing evidence or a lack of evidence when appropriate.
If a patient swears by Brand New Juice X for joints or when they hold their left hand 60 degrees in the air on a rainy day they feel better, we simply say there is no strong evidence for it, but there is little to no risk so keep up the good work! On the other hand, when patients are paying several hundred dollars a month for a lot of supplements or doing live blood analysis or muscle testing, we are quick to point out the the data supporting these methods of care is very weak and non-reproducible and they need to know that. Again, if they choose to continue, that is their decision, discussing and helping them weigh risk and benefits is our role.
The approach to lifestyle change is based on motivational interviewing techniques. Some clients can be easily overwhelmed, so change starts by asking them what areas can they commit to changing. For many, we start with beverages. "Can you give up artificial sweeteners?" "What could you drink instead?" or start with one meal. "Are you willing to change your breakfasts to get started?" We find that easy recipes and quick stuff is very helpful. For example: club soda and 100% fruit juice instead of soda, making raw nuts trail mix for a snack, crockpot steelcut oats which can last a week, granola for a snack/breakfast while trying a non-dairy milk.
The care provided by GladdMD is done as a partnership with our clients. Unlike most healthcare experiences which have become like the military: I order this drug and demand you take or you will be labeled non-compliant. We are there to simply provide an educational and empowering framework from which our client can make a decision for themselves. This goes for everything. Often clients follow-up and are ashamed of not changing their diets or state they almost cancelled the appointment because they still drink pop everyday or still eat gluten when found to be sensitive. We'll respond by stating, "We are friends no matter what you do. These are your decisions. Now, what we can do is help you work toward your goals." If they understand the reasons they should avoid gluten, but are having a hard time, we'll ask what areas they are finding difficult. Often there are easy alternatives to help them over this hump. Making some small changes build confidence and confidence is king.
Sound like an experience like you've never had before in healthcare? Share your comments below.
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Reader Comments (3)
Being non-compliant for not taking the medications given to you from a doctor that are not to do any harm can not even be said in the same sentence.
I know what it is like to be accused of it and it make you feel like a criminal and taking it may not be making you better but if you do not and are non compliant the doctor will fire you. This is not Medicines.
I saw a doctor in town for many years and he finally ask me to get a second opinion and I did but he wanted be to get more that that he wanted be to find another doctor. I asked why and he told me I was not following his instructions. However he would not tell me what those were as he said I should know. For someone with memory problem, ADHD and dyslexia I didn't know what I was doing wrong. That doctor was giving me medication for depression, ADHD. He was not treating me for ADHD because I didn't know you could be and for him to not tell me what I couldn't remember is worse than not seeing a doctor at all. I do not think that person should be allowed to see patients any more. In fact my husband went to his appointment with the same person and he was asked how he was doing with his medication and he gave the name of a medication not being us by my husband. You are not allowing telling the doctor any thing more than how your medication is working, are you eating and sleeping ok. That is all you can talk about, any thing more you need to talk to your therapist about it. That is want our health care has done to us. The insurance industry is paying large amounts of money to someone put it is not going any where to help us get better. So if people can not see how and what Medicare and Insurance is doing to our health just remember how it used to be years ago when you went to the doctor.
I am on so many medications that if I am asked if I have any side effects I just say no because there is no way to know which medication it could be and I do not want to say any thing because they will want be to take another medication.. Remember you have to fear being non-compliant and fear losing your doctor or affecting your insurance... As I say that why would you be afraid of losing a doctor that treats you that way. I hate feeling I am not doing what I am support to be and become defensive and feel I am being attacked. Clearly this is not what a doctor is meant to be. The insurance industry and the Pharmaceuticals have taking our medical industry as it has become it is no longer about going to a doctor to get help with you if your body is not working as it should. Anyone that thinks they are going to get answers to there problems need to read about this new method of seeing a doctor and how this new way will finally allow a person to find better health. This new method is much better than when we saw doctors years ago when they did spend time with us because of course new invention and ways for them to help us. The internet is going to save a lot of time and allow for doctor, nurses and staff to be able to communicate better. It will still need patent to due things that will improve the health. It is easier to take a pill than to lose weight and exercise so you don't have to take high blood pressure medication. I understand that because I am support to be exercising more and if I do not do it I will not be able to get off my blood pressure medication. But I have been sick for so long I will do any thing to feel better. I will be getting an appointment soon with Gladdmd. I just read he is not taking any new patients but his staff is. The more people in this country realize this is the only way we can change insurance and Medicare bills we will lose the ability to access what was the best health care in the world. We are going to lose being that best because the insurance industry pays doctors if they practice they way they want them to as you stated. 30 patients or more a day. That’s not health. Everyone must understand that every thing in this country is runs on how high a corporation’s stock price is. Every thing is to increase the stock price so people will be happy about that If they realize what we are all doing wanting our stock to go up is costing far more money on every thing else we pay for and it is running things like are health care. I ask my family doctor how much my shot for flu was going to cost and he laugh. He had no idea. He is nearing retirement and has not idea how much anything it cost patients to see him. Office visit is 120.00 a visit. I am on disability and Medicare. For me to see Dr Glad is going to cost me to put a down payment to get the appointment and to pay the rest at the time of the appointments. My husband and I live of his Social Security and my disability. My husband still has the insurance from my work but I am on Medicare now and I can't send a bill to Medicare because you can't allow billing from them and I total understand. I will be able to send the part of the bill for my husband because he has United Health Care. We should go back to filing our own insurance claims so we see how much we are being billed for stuff. That should help people see just how bad it is. Only the American people can change the way we get our health care. We must all be will to do the things we need to improve our health which we all know it includes exercise and proper food. If you get sick enough like I have gotten by trying to get answer going to more and more doctors only to end up on many medication with out feeling any better, in fact I feel worse. I only have a few hours a day I can ever do any thing. I started this comment when I read the word NON-COMPLIENT. We should never fell like we are doing something wrong trying to get medical help from a doctor. If this happens to you never go back to that doctor and start looking at this new way of getting your life back and be health again. I can’t wait. I urge everyone to educate you with this so we can all support the doctor’s that really want to help us live a healthier life.
I hope to see the folks at Dr. Gladds office next month. I am still completing my health record and then I am going to write a history of my life so they can see the whole picture.
Not to be too off-topic from your post but do you accept financing for your clients? I wonder i9f you consider your regimen as prescriptive, curative or otherwise.