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Proof that Antibiotics have a Significant Down Side

Good Bacteria Keep the Immune System Primed to Fight

Having healthy levels of bacteria in the gut keep the immune system ready for a fight. 70% of the immune system resides in the gut, so when taking oral antibiotics a significant shift in protection can occur.

This is leading to what we will continue to see increase in studies on using antibiotics for sinusitis: A number needed to harm. When studies are done on potentially beneficial medications or treatments, a number needed to treat (NNT) is calculated. This basically says how many people need to get the therapy for one person to benefit. In a large study that reviewed 32 studies that used antibiotics to treat sinus infections, the NNT was 15. That means that for everyone that gets an antibiotic for sinusitis, only one person benefits!!!!! Since that study a year and half ago, I have only seen antibiotic prescriptions go up at a ridiculous rate. But they also calculate a NNH, or number needed to harm that shows that one person is harmed by the antibiotics for every 30-some prescriptions written.

The healthcare profession needs to stop practicing customer service and handing out antibiotics to anyone that calls in, and practice medicine by educating patients on the unnecessary use of antibiotics or we will see the NNH get lower than the NNT!

Before You Visit the Reproductive Specialist

Can Foods Contribute to Infertility?

There is a wealth of data on the connection between miscarriage and celiac disease. Studies estimate a 9-fold increase risk of miscarriage in undiagnosed celiac disease and a 30% decrease in birthweight. There are also connections to male infertility.

This begs the question: How many reproductive specialists are testing their clients for celiac disease? A full 1 in 100 people in America suffer from it. In addition, the incidence of celiac disease in the form of gluten sensitivity, which can result in the same manifestations as celiac disease may be as high as 30-50% of the population.

Today we have completely medicalized getting pregnant and too often running to pay cash for "making babies". All too often, a person has in vitro or another type of procedure, only to get pregnant naturally afterward. So before you or a family member make the jump to a specialist for fertility issues, optimize your health and the health of your partner first. Eat whole foods, exercise, relax, pray, and consider being tested for celiac disease or even do something as side effect-free as a gluten-free diet for a month to see if it improves symptoms.

Do you know where your fish oil comes from?

Great opinion piece on how the industrialization of harvesting fish oil has drastic consequences on the Atlantic ocean. One more reason to aim for higher quality fish oil from reputable sources. Being certain your fish oil is free of PCBs and mercury is essential, and I think we have to look at the sustainability issue here as well.

The Life's DHA product that is derived from algae is starting to look better and better. I would also advocate for Vital Choice's Salmon oil and am waiting on confirmation from Carlson's on my fish oil of choice: Carlson's Lemon Flavored Fish Oil. They state their fish are from Norweigen waters, but their home base is in Illinois, so I will follow-up with a post when I hear back.

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