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NFL needs new helmets in addition to rules

Steve Wallace probably has more brain cells than the average retired player. Steve Wallace probably has more brain cells than the average retired player.

Cheers to the NFL for getting more intense about their concussion rules. I think the ultimate step is something no player wants, making the helmets thicker on the outside. Steve Tasker and Steve Wallace did it years ago, I wonder if there were any studies to support their use in preventing concussions. If so, a move to implement them league wide should be considered.

The rate limiting step? They don' t look cool, right now. Certainly it's so different that widespread adoption is tough. I think the NFL needs to create some creative marketing around these helmets to make them "cool". Imagine Peyton, Brady, AP coming out with these, all of a sudden the Tipping P0int principle takes over and everyone will want one. I have to imagine this will soften the blow to the head.

So NFL, consider making a fashion statement. Like all trends, it will be met with some resistance, but two years from now the current helmets will look outdated and NFL veterans can keep their brains from looking like mashed potatoes through the retirement years.

A book all teens and teachers should read

OD Kids

Pollan's original work, The Omnivore's Dilemma, changed my life forever. An excellent education on the food industry and how far off course we've gone. This book is designed with lots of diagrams for older children and teens to understand. Let's do children a favor and give them this knowledge to carry on into the future.

Purchase at Amazon

Eat Your Vegetables

"Eat Your Vegetables" "Eat Your Vegetables"

New Breast Cancer Screening Recommendations

The United States Preventative Services Task Force is the authority on monitoring all the data and determining the most appropriate screening guidelines. The new breast cancer screening guidelines reflect the need to back off the monitoring for those at no additional risk because it often creates unecessary extra testing, procedures and stress. Here are the new guidelines for breast cancer screening:

1. Starting at age 50 and ending at age 75, mammograms should be done every other year.
2. Recommend against self breast exams.
3. There is not sufficient evidence for clinical breast exams by providers.
Remember: this is for women at no additional risk for breast cancer. Those with risk should discuss screening with their doctor.

Official guidelines.